Friday, September 29, 2017 | DeVry University: JADM 110 (Introduction to Criminology) Author: Rachel Sakhi, United States of North America

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Rachel Sakhi

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
DeVry University: Week 5, JADM-110 Professor Swerine
Rachel Sakhi, Discussion Meeting: "Crimes Against Persons"
Title of Post: Boyeurism vs.Voyeurism (The Peeping Tom Psychopathy Personality)

Hello and Good Evening Professor Swerine,
APA in-text citations
Schmalleger (2014) defines sub-cultural theory as process of standards set forth with the expectations that if made beautiful, colorful, inviting, and then the 'legal' thing to do according to popularity the majority of population will ignore and scorn the right path of rainbow-coloured execution instead of the bland, boring practical or healthy, but most importantly truthful path "A sociological perspective that emphasizes the contribution made by variously socialized cultural groups to the phenomenon of crime" as in this image of inviting curious intrigue of seduction that celebrates Angels, those risen from death, and heaven on a whim.
Day of The Dead: "El Dia de La Muertos" (Huffington Post)
An original summary from my perspective
Identity theft is the worst heinous and disgusting crime to exist especially when planning the victim's death and murder in her face by searching for doubles as a hanging celebration that the serial killers can disguise, but also fit into the money-making dynasty they plan to slop up financial harvest from like the mother of Michael Jackson's youngest child that everyone is willing to slaughter to become the 'magazine mom' of for celebrity status. 
Vocabulary words: Billionaire
For example, Paul Allen and Bill Gates are billionaires "Allen also has a multibillion-dollar investment portfolio (Links to an external site.) including technology and media companies, real estate (Links to an external site.) holdings, and stakes in other companies" (Wikipedia, 2017).
Vocabulary words: Resources
For example, Paul Allen has company interests which are not only fiscally wealthy, but serve the society in a variety of ways "He is also the founder of Allen Institute for Brain Science (Links to an external site.),[7] (Links to an external site.) Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Links to an external site.),[8] (Links to an external site.) Institute for Cell Science (Links to an external site.),[9] (Links to an external site.) and Stratolaunch Systems (Links to an external site.)" states articles contributed by freelance authors who need opportunities (Wikipedia, 2017).
Vocabulary words: Private Spaceships
For example, a company in the United States of North America supports projects such as space flight experiments or to add a bit of spunk to it...rendezvous perhaps "Allen confirmed that he was the sole investor behind Burt Rutan (Links to an external site.)'s Scaled Composites (Links to an external site.)SpaceShipOne (Links to an external site.)" (Wikipedia, 2017).
How has the definition of rape evolved from the common law definition?
The definition of rape covers many more types of touching due to the broad ways
in which the psychopathic personality has altered his/her ability to detour intent to 
violate the victim and is more creative every time the law upgrades ways to incapacitate
the personality's venture upon the hate crime victim.
Several theoretical perspectives have been offered on rape.
The theoretical perspectives 'offered' to define the context in which rape occurs and 
below are a few:
  • Acquaintance Rape: With someone you know (Schmalleger, 2017)
Click to view
"What is criminal homicide, and what are the key issues involved in explaining patterns of homicide?" (Schmalleger, 2014).
"How is the crime of rape defined, and what are the key issues involved in understanding the crime of rape?" (Schmalleger, 2014).
"What does the term child sexual abuse encompass? What are the various types of child sex abusers?" (Schmalleger, 2014).
"How is the crime of robbery defined, and what are the different kinds of robbery?" (Schmalleger, 2014).
"How is the crime of assault defined, and what are the various kinds of assault?" (Schmalleger, 2014).
"What three additional forms of interpersonal violence does this chapter discuss?" (Schmalleger, 2014).
"Which do you agree with most and why?" (Schmalleger, 2014).

  1. "Subcultural Theory": A sociological point of view (from society or observation of society's behavior) related to the behavior pattern of following the most 'popularized' actions even if the behavior is considered good or bad in reference to violation of the North American law and penal code structure (Schmalleger, 2014).
     For example, Tom is handsome and popular and Randetta is not, but has a lot in common with Tom the local D.A.R.E. to keep kid's off drugs program at every highschool across North America. Tom is White American, Randetta is biracial with fuzzy hair and a big nose with thousands of stretch Marks after the delivery of her sons and daughters, however the stretch Marks are not from carrying a baby and were created utilizing a weapon inside a hospital as a hate crime. 
   The popular group of beautiful people has utilized Randetta's stretch Marks as the main excuse Tom and Randetta are of different species and better yet Randetta is no good for any animal or human in existence says the hate crime group who created the fake stretch Marks to end Randetta's runway modeling career, the harvest of winning a beauty pageant the rejected parties believe is their stolen and robbed job meant for them only nearly 20 years from the past. 
   Without knowing the nectar of the purpose behind the new hate crime fad and string of murders committed to serial slaughter every family member of Randetta's family to laugh at Randetta standing alone with no one to speak to in great laughter, the fools continue and continue on committing hate crimes with the ultimate hijacking in preparation going onward as long as their dumbo supporter are receiving benefits for helping out the serial murders and more plans of identity theft. 
  According to the DeVry ebooks provided, Schmalleger (2014) defines the above example as subcultural theory when one pretty thing is placed on display utilized as an attractive lure to gain supporters even if they are being led as a herd of blindfolded cattle into a burning pit of boiling hellridden lava, but only idependent thinkers are strong enough to not follow the disguised racism, string of hate crimes, and confustion meant for only the best of all intelligence in humankind. 

Devry library resource

Devry ebook resource
Famous North American Sayings:
It's The Thought That Counts:
  • When we think and conceive ideas our thoughts reproduce to become reality, and if lust intercepts healthy control of one's own mobility skills and cleanliness of thinking patterns...the delivery of a newborn crime can come to life right from the hospital's labor and maternity room.
  • Aftercare at home (in a private location) nourishes the newborn crime, fosters the newborn crime, and holds it's hand onto the red carpet of maturity similar to that of an atomic combustion of the network of all it's lovely hate crime festers of siblings.
  • Ultimately, once the newborn crime is fostered by hate crime groups into adulthood the newborn crime is then utilized as a mere rat trap for the undying lust for a hate crime victim to chase after the yellow government cheese and empathise with the actual disease himself, the maker of slavemastering.
  • Homicides of multitudes in celebration of hangings to collect social security disability benefits, veteran military inheritance, replacing relatives to forge inheritance documents as an industry, then buying a brand new Mercedes Benz or piano.

Discuss the course objectives:
(Course Objectives 1-6) 
CO 1:    "Compte Tes Blessure": A sense of being as a robbed hate crime victim        and delivered the refreshing message of control to boost the sense of self-worth of the hate crime leader, forever 21 (Slang Code Phrases of Celebrational Hangings: "Forever Murder") while utilizing the beginning of the victim's hard work but maintaining enough control to pull the umbilical chord and raise one's value receiving kudos points from the other hate crime group supporters in premeditated widely spread blueprinted plans to steal the livelihood of a woman's normal lifestyle and resiliency. 
CO 1: Related Vocabulary Words/Terms: 
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP)
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • discrediting information
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • disclosure (of research methods)
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • virus
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • white-collar crime
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • visionary serial killers
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • workplace violence
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Delphi Method
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • demographics
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • designer drug
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • determinate sentencing
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • data encryption
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • death penalty
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • decriminalization
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • deconstructionionist theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • verstehen
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • distributive justice
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • victim-impact statement
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Twelve Tables
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Victim-witness assistance program
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Violence against Women Act (VAWA)
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • victim precipitation
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • victim proneness
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • victimology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • vitimogenesis
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • utilatarianism
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  •  Cyberstalking 
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Cyberterrorism
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Cyber Security Enhancement Act (CSEA)
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Dangerous Drug
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Dangerousness
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Cybercrime
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Criminal Psychology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Criminaloid
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Criminal Justice System
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Criminality
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Criminalist
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Critical Criminology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Cross-impact Analysis
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Culture Conflict Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Criminologist
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Date Rape
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • DCS-300
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Daubert Standard
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Delinquency
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Deterrence Strategy
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Deviant Behavior
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Differential Identification Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Differential Assocation
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Digital Theft Deterrence and Copyright Damages Improvement Act
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Identity Theft
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Illegitimate Opportunity Structure
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Impression Management
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Incapacitation
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Informed Consent and Membership with 1 Purpose
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Insanity (Legal)
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Insanity (Psychological)
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Integrated Theory 
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Interactional Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Postcrime Victimization
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Postmodern Criminology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Power-Control Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Prenatal Susbstance Exposure
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Primary Deviance
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Primary Research
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Professional Criminal
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Behaviorism
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Behavior Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Biological Theories
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Biopsychology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Biosocial Criminology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Booster - A frequent shoplifter
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Purchasing Customer - A person who makes a purchase with a legal tender not stolen.
(Sakhi, R. L. O., (2017-01-01)
  • Born Criminal
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Burglary
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Capable Guardian
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Capital Punishment
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Buck v. Bell
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Broken Windows Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Chicago School of Criminology
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Child Sexual Abuse - [Personal Perspective and Examples: Not a Capable Guardian, but a Molesting Hate Crime Leader]
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Child Pornography - [Personal Perspective and Examples: A teenager who frames a man for child porn in his cellular phone, because he gained legal marital status]
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
  • Cognitive Information Processing Theory
(Schmalleger, F. J., (2014-01-01)
All definitions listed above are courtesy of Criminology Today and categorized as vocabulary words (Schmalleger, 2014).
  • I'm dying of dehydration and need to walk to the store (Update: Hydrated 9:03am (pst), 9/29/2017).
CO 2     Schmalleger (2014) defines Rachel as a "born criminal" when stating that if the mother is a victim of hate crime groups under frequent observation (i.e., rape, family generation reduction, killing off European French genetics to sustain a supreme position in society as if there's simply not enough space on earth, etc.), then the children the hate crime victim reproduces is 'captured' with hound dogs and segregation of the offspring to the mother, with agonizing pain conditioning techniques utilized to practice hating his own biological mother in celebration of brainwashing terrorism to cause feelings of feminine uselessness in the hate crime victim: "an individual who is born with a genetic predilection toward criminality", prone to accidents, robbery, fake criminal charges to match with his 'biological genetic makeup' (Schmalleger, 2014).
CO 3     Psychological Comprehension of What Criminality Does: Is to utilize the evolutionized process to examine factors used to incriminate offenders and weed out fraudulent complaints upon victims of hate crime groups. 
The concept of 'avoiding' the consequences of hate crime groups: For example, defense components initially were utilized as practices to waive sentences of a labeled 'criminal'.
A labeled 'criminal' is someone victimized by frequent attacks or harassment placed in the state of fear of a life sentence structured by stalkers payed fees for inflicting nuissance reporting supported by terroristic anal [see definition of trafficking and psychopathology (Schmalleger, 2014) in those with lack of awareness of the damages anal trafficking causes to those involved] to ensure a continuous flow of attacks.
Also, during process through the CJ system as a result of hate crime attacking with nuissance reports to deprive a hate crime victim of freedom, the trauma caused is cited back to the originators based on a measurement of the level of professionals involved hiding the criminal activities. See Hedonic calculus (Schmalleger, 2014) therefore through process of elimination identifying the real and actual motivation behind the hate crime, the supporters, whether fans of a singer, victims getting retribution for an alleged initial crime against themselves by the hate crime victim, or last but most importantly an undiagnosed psychopath personality with resources available to buyout supporters to torture and torment the hate crime victim and is receiving something so sweet of nectar in return that either shame of participation and indulgment to the source of payments and the loyalty of serial murder and watching dogmatization of the hate crime victim is the key. 
Evolutionized Crime Control Systems:
Have now become targeted to create more better styles of hate crimes. In order to accurately process offenders who are guilty of a criminal act and not just imprisoning victims who brushed their teeth properly, practice good hygeine, and have healthy hobbies is the core essential requirement of the authoritative justice figure who is deserving of trust. 
Abuse of Authority: Roles in society within the criminal justice system in which is commonly abused for personal gain instead of the purpose of arresting those realistically violating the laws to protect the People who earned things, not to protect the People who robb Rachel and need protection of stolen property from the hate crime victim Rachel. 
CO 4      
CO 5     There's murder (like installation of snake eggs inside a silicone breast bag with tied intestines paid for to a hired hitman, etc.), rape, aggravated assault, etc. and therefore: For example, a hate crime group disguised as an apartment complex, but is an undercover massive robbery operation supported by gift-givers at Christmas time who transport dope via the fastest routes of Central America across the border into the United States of North American borders to support 'rich' families.........Then gets accredited as Christmas 'donors' from personal 'property' such as tangibles stolen from murdererd slaves they assigned under the "labeling theory" (Schmalleger, 2014) under their own crazy authority, and related to CO 5 by observing pests utilizing profiling as in quantitative research techniques (Schmalleger, 2014) that "produces subjective results or results that are difficult to quantify" (Schmalleger, 2014).
Most Importantly You Decide Our Destiny Based on The Options Made Accessible To Us In Our Current Environment: Facing the Truth of Evolutionized Segregation makes living in society easier to cope with if we utilize our freedom of choice to choose who we interact with to reduce the hate crimes committed against, upon, and inside of us. Compartmentalizing priorities like employment, choosing to hang around with the correct spouse, and ignoring our real parents to go with the path that society thinks is 'cuter' according to HAIR TEXTURE is segregating components to refurbish damages caused by hate crime leaders. This system is also similar to BIG DATAmastering within a Microsoft Office Suite of Products known as Excel 2016: The art of segregating words, language, text, and communication to multiply, divide, equalize, and clone combinations of lingual data personality to procreate large working populations of productive karma also known as "typologies" (Dictionary, 2017).
CO 5: As well "typologies" (Google keyword searchbox ;), 2017) similar to environmental characteristics and influence utilized to discover facts where answers are essential to speak in a court of law and relay products such as expert advice and services such as polygraphs (unrigged) to calculate the results as in consequences to the hate crime leaders, leaving more room for manipulating the hate crime victim with an astromical scientific better hate crime to save the jobs and real estate, livelihood, children's future, etc. from serving life sentences in their own prison, etc. 
PRIVATE PRISON INSTITUTIONS sponsored by the BOP (Bureau of Prisons): Privately sponsored prisons for people who experience difficulties in life, but deserve a bit of transferred leniency in correctional sentencing. 

CO 6    Schmalleger (2014) defines the following concepts as criminological theory and environmental precursors "to make something illegal" to do, feel/caress in marital union, touch, or interact with and enjoy (segregation evolutionized in slavemastery), and criminaloid "a term used by Cesare Lombroso to describe the occasional criminal who is enticed into criminality primarily by environmental influences" such as one marriage occasion to an Afghan heterosexual male to a biracial female with characteristics such as Rachel Sakhi known as a criminal for taking and stealing wife space that could've gone to the supremacists of North America to buy their personal care and hygeine product to wash their silky hair (Schmalleger, 2014).
There's an increase in drug crimes and overcrowding of prisons, not only from drug sales, but in Los Angeles in order to commit identity theft the hate crime groups steals information, studies the personality, studies the voice, studies the style of walking of the intended murder victim then mates the 'replacement' to the spouse of the hate crime victim to prep up for cameras and celebrity celebration of the dead they murdered and stole the harvest of to reside with the spouse of the murder hate crime victim. 
Usually, like in Los Angeles County the real identity gets smothered, gassed to death with fumigation in their rental payment unit, then when LAPD arrives (those working covertly for the mafia) injects heroin into the intravenous route (the quickest) of the hate crime victim and drops the orange top capped diabetic injector next to the hate crime victim's body making sure the Associated Press agents takes photography evidence to secure accreditation of the hate crime victims' murder (recently occurred eyewitness bystander).
CO 7    Internet is why people like me learn more. Graduation is an opportunity therefore I am the crime. Cybersecurity, WIC 5150 accusations, and allegedly cyberstalking reinvents the protections granted to hate crime group conspirators by the millions (like an army) to ban education rights from the pest (hate crime victim) and a few hate groups have been listed by the People for the People on Wikipedia (Wikipedia, 2017).
CO 8:  Speaking the truth and not relying on gossip as well as relying on valid citation resources could mean the difference between another common mistake like false imprisonment via hate crime junkies (addiction is dangerous, including hate crime obsessions). For example, the story of Nelson Mandela, read his life story at: 
Then, an enablement is here to voluntarily view a YouTube video presentation:

External Resource: El Dia de La Muertos (Image)
The Whole Family - Paseo de las Ánimas - Passage of the Souls, Merida, Mexico
Image Description: "The Whole Family - Paseo de las Ánimas - Passage of the Souls, Merida, Mexico" - Flickr Image Archive via DeVry University

Identity Theft and The Frequency of Crimes Against Persons (Summary Outside Resource with Citation Reference): 
 BJS and Environmental Precursors (Considerations of Circumstances/Motives)
  • According to BJS (2014) in a statistics publication for victims of identity theft and where it begins: 
    • The makeup of qualities usually made a target is a person a hate crime group finds a commercial, social, and relationship or parenting pest "9.2 million females" were identity theft victims (BJS, 2014).

  • Hate Crimes Against Truth and The Hatred of Reality 'Pests': From the perspective of who hated his 'kind' so much they deprived his journey of realism, then made money off his thought during the process by placing him on display like a zoo animal, utilizing his daily inventions of truth as an icebreaker to conversate with his family, friends, social network, business associates, and step into his shoes while he resided in a cage for the pentacle of his maturity and enlightenment...As he stated on a website dedicated to his torture “I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” (Mandela, 1964).
A voicethread goes here: 
 Compte Tes Blessures

Citation and References

1. Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 7th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from
2. Victims of Identity Theft:
3. 2. Hate Crime Groups: Listed by Categories and well organized for reading - (Links to an external site.)
3. El Dia de La Muertos (Top Image): (Links to an external site.)
4. Identity Theft and Looking at It From Different Angles: BUREAU OF JUSTICE STASTISTICS | U.S. Department of Justice. (2014). Victims of Identity Theft: "Victim Characteristics and Financial Loss", NCJ 248991.
6. Nelson Mandela, Speech from the Dock, 20 April 1964:                       (Links to an external site.)
8. Llorente, E. (2017). Fox News Article: "Southern Poverty Law Center ‘hate group’ label hit in evangelicals’ lawsuit"                                                                                             
9. Boyeurism v. Voyeurism: DeVry University: Week 5, JADM-110 Professor Swerine
Rachel Sakhi, Discussion Meeting: "Crimes Against Persons" whereas a crime of stalking persons under the age of the legal age established in the United States of North America with the intent to indulge in reviewing daily activities, and then following up on the idea by installing private streaming cameras into a foster child's bedroom and restroom areas while enabled by major players of a courtroom and the police who works not for the People but for the Mafia and Drug Cartel (2017). List of Hate Groups in Existence Today retrieved online from
10. Hate Crime Groups: DeVry University: Week 5,
JADM-110 Professor Swerine                         
Rachel Sakhi, Discussion Meeting: "Crimes Against Persons" whereas a crime is a
student of Rachel Sakhi's biological heredity and personality qualities labeled as an
"animal" and then pursuiting accreditation of education which is considered an animal
violating the rights of human beings that deserve education.(2017). List of Hate
Groups in Existence Today retrieved online from
13. Compte Tes Blessures.(2016). Kevin Azais and Monio Chokri in This European French Film. Retrieved Online from (Links to an external site.)
14. Vocabulary Words - Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 7th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
15. Wikipedia.(2017). Aerospace and Paul Allen: Information on Aerospace Dealings                      retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
16. Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction,                        7th Edition: "Acquaintance Rape". Pp. G-1. [Bookshelf Online]                                                    Retrieved from

Class Notes: 
Discussion Prompt:
Relevance:                                                                                                                                    This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible
due Oct 1
24 24 unread replies. 24 24 replies.
Using material from this week's lesson and outside sources, post your thoughts on the following.
Essential Objectives for Week 5: 
  • How has the definition of rape evolved from the common law definition?
  • Several theoretical perspectives have been offered on rape. 
  • Which do you agree with most and why?

Reminders: Use the APA Tips document                                                                                                    (Links to an external site.)                                                                                                              Links to an external site. to cite your sources

Edited by Rachel Sakhi on Sep 29 at 2:06pm
  Reply to Comment (1 like)


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