Rachel Sakhi 10:58pm Sep 30 at 10:58pm Hello Professor Conis, Regarding the following course objectives and I quote fully as a note-taking reminder the following to simply reiterate from my perspective: DeVry U

Rachel Sakhi

Hello Professor Conis,
Regarding the following course objectives and I
quote fully as a note-taking reminder the following
to simply reiterate from my perspective:

"Objectives 8
Given the importance of culture and hierarchy of status,
relate the organizational hierarchy of prison inmates to that of prison staff.

The prison inmate:prison staff ratio hierarchy of status is equal,
and the opinions and perspectives are extremely important,
because in order for the prison staff to function properly the
staff must understand the perspectives of their inmates whether
afflicted with mental disorders, social concerns, or even intelligence.
However, the rules and regulations are that prison staff is the administration,
and the time served is designated for the incarceration of the offender.

Describe the importance of organizational culture,
and explain how culture is formed in a prison.
Prison culture builds support systems for offenders.

Describe the history of female correctional officers
in male prisons, including the challenges that face
them in modern prisons.
Challenges of the female correctional officers is bias
toward the equal ability to control physical prison operations
due to the level of danger, stress factors involved, and desensitization
required for this type of work or career.

Contrast the custody and treatment functions
within a prison.
Custody and treatment functions are set forth for
the inmate to provide housing, basic needs, and
discipline throughout the duration of time of service
to make amends to society for the crime committed.

Identify the methods available to prisons to
maintain inmate compliance.
Depending on the context of the phase during which 
the offender serves the suggested sentencing: incarceration,
post-incarceration, or overall general methods first and foremost.
Generally, methods available to help maintain compliance
of offenders for the prison facility include, but aren't limited to
federally contracted psychiatrists, federally contracted members
of the clergy, and federally contracted lawyers, and also federally
contracted police enforcement agents.

Describe the ways in which the classification
of inmates contributes to the management of a prison.

Explain how an inmate disciplinary system
operates within a prison.
Cells are organized within a module, the administration
audits frequently to make sure everything runs smoothly
standards are properly met, safety codes are working
in collaboration with what actually is inside the facility
(i.e., fire extinguishers, food safety, plumbing needs, security
equipment, pbx systems, emergency procedures and signals
function well, etc.), discipline is then checked by segregation
needs or requirements such as solitary confinement, contraband
and program privileges are removed or granted, visiting privileges or
granted or removed until safety is established or unavailable, phone
privileges are granted or removed, mail privileges
are removed or allowed depending on behavior, and most
importantly inmates with great behavior is granted the privilege
of working or early release as well as opportunity for parole services.
Lesson Topics
Prison Accreditation (ACA)
This agency grants corporations wishing to function as a law enforcement agency
the rights to do business in the United States of North America, territories and possessions.
Prison Management
Prison Staff
Chapter 10: The Management of Prisons
Chapter 11: Prison Life for Inmates
Chapter 12: The World of Prison Staff
Complete Paper #2
Paper #2 – Issues in Corrections
Length: 3–5 pages (not including cover page or reference page)
Format: Standard APA format (1-inch margins,
12-point font, double spacing,
and in-text citations to support your references)
References: Minimum three outside academic resources, not including textbook"
(Conis, 2017).

1. Conis, P.(2017). JADM210: Discussions: Week 5: Inmate Behavior. Retrieved Online from
Edited by Rachel Sakhi on Sep 30 at 11:29pm

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